Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's Resolutions, the beginning....

Hello all and welcome to my new Blog!

Where do I begin? Well, my name is Lisa, I was born in Long Island, New York and youngest of five sisters, a nice big Italian family. I will be turning 33 on January 13th and am newly married to the man of my dreams, we married barefoot on the beach a little over 8 months ago. His name is Joe, and you will hear more about him later on.


New Year's Resolutions, what is yours? How many do you have? One, two, three? Every year I usually have one which is to make it to the gym more often. That continues to be one of them but have decided to have a couple more. One of the resolutions is to start up a Blog so that I can share my experiences with two things that I absolutely love, taking pictures and cooking. My plan is to prepare every vegetable that exists in my neck of the woods, being Long Island, New York and to learn my new Canon Digital SLR Rebel XSi which was a gift from my darling Husband.

Let the journey begin.....